The name “EIKI” results from the phonetic spelling of the combination of the Japanese words for “picture” (the sound “ei” as in “the letter A” or the word “face”) and “machine" (the sounds “k” and “I” as in the word “key”). Think of “A-key to better communication”, and you’ll think of EIKI.Founded in 1953 in Osaka, Japan to manufacture technology for classroom instruction, Eiki Industrial Co., Ltd., quickly recognized it possessed special expertise in the engineering of 16mm Film Projectors, and set out to design and build the best classroom film handling equipment possible through a process of continual improvement.
The EIKI Company has been responsible for many innovative breakthroughs, perhaps the most dramatic being the modularization of the 16mm projector. Since inception the projector has become not only more sophisticated, but also more complicated and costly to manufacture and maintain. Most manufacturers considered the technology “mature”.
But Not EIKI. Applying simple concepts, EIKI engineers designed a projector that utilized about half the moving parts of popular projectors of the day, and put 80% of those moving parts on 4 modules (sub-assemblies). The result was a projector that cost less to manufacture, was far more reliable, and much easier to repair than any other.
This focus on quality made EIKI the largest selling 16mm projector in the world, and is the cornerstone of the Company. A new factory was built around the modular design concept which permitted a dramatic increase in productivity. Meanwhile, a sophisticated sales network was established across Japan, and an export infrastructure created to support worldwide distribution.
In 1974 EIKI Opened Eiki International, Inc. to distribute its products in the United States. In 1986, the Company acquired the business unit of the Bell & Howell company that had originated the audio visual industry some 50 years earlier. In 1988, EIKI Canada was created as a subsidiary of Eiki International, Inc.
In the late 80’s, in conjunction with several technology partners, EIKI innovated LCD video projection technology, and by the early 90’s EIKI was one of only two brands of LCD Video Projectors marketed worldwide. Again, in the Mid 90’s EIKI brand LCD Projectors lead the way into computer projection, with some of the most powerful devices available.
In 1995, EIKI Deutschland, GmbH. Became the Company’s first office in Europe, focused on the German marketplace. And in 1996 EIKI Czech was founded to establish a network of Dealers across Central and Eastern Europe.
This focus on quality made EIKI the largest selling 16mm projector in the world, and is the cornerstone of the Company. A new factory was built around the modular design concept which permitted a dramatic increase in productivity. Meanwhile, a sophisticated sales network was established across Japan, and an export infrastructure created to support worldwide distribution.
In 1974 EIKI Opened Eiki International, Inc. to distribute its products in the United States. In 1986, the Company acquired the business unit of the Bell & Howell company that had originated the audio visual industry some 50 years earlier. In 1988, EIKI Canada was created as a subsidiary of Eiki International, Inc.
In the late 80’s, in conjunction with several technology partners, EIKI innovated LCD video projection technology, and by the early 90’s EIKI was one of only two brands of LCD Video Projectors marketed worldwide. Again, in the Mid 90’s EIKI brand LCD Projectors lead the way into computer projection, with some of the most powerful devices available.
In 1995, EIKI Deutschland, GmbH. Became the Company’s first office in Europe, focused on the German marketplace. And in 1996 EIKI Czech was founded to establish a network of Dealers across Central and Eastern Europe.

EIKI Shanghai was established in 2005 in China.
With the rapid growth of the Asian market, and anticipated growth, EIKI Malaysia was established in 2008 to enhance and support our sales in this marketplace.
October 1, 2013 marked the 60th anniversary of EIKI’s establishment. A ceremony was held at Itami City Hotel with EIKI staff, EIKI families, suppliers and many guests. Each subsidiary was represented at this ceremony and participated in the celebration. In accordance with Japanese tradition, a red Kimono was presented to company President, Mr. Kawabata, to protect against evils and to work with energy forever – for future EIKI growth and success.
October 15, 2013 EIKI established EIKI Australia PYT Ltd. in Melbourne, Australia. This new EIKI subsidiary will take care of Australia and Oceania market.
EIKI will continue expanding in the next decades all over the world.
The EIKI name literally means “projectors” in Japanese. You won’t find it on printers, calculators, TV sets or refrigerators, and you won’t find it in retail outlets. We do only one thing: we manufacture and market a broad range of projection technology for education, religion, government and business communication, and offer it through a network of professionals.
And we’ve been doing that now for over 60 years!